Canada’s Atlantic Immigration Program is a set of immigration initiatives designed to address the labor market needs of Canada’s Atlantic provinces, which include Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. The program aims to attract skilled workers, international graduates, and essential workers to these provinces. Here are the key components and details of the program: 

  1. Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP): 
  • The AIPP is an employer-driven immigration program that allows designated employers in the Atlantic provinces to hire foreign workers for positions they haven’t been able to fill locally. 
  • There are three categories under AIPP: a. Atlantic High-Skilled Program: For workers with high-skilled job offers in skill type 0, A, or B of the National Occupational Classification (NOC). b. Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program: For workers with intermediate-skilled job offers in skill type 0, A, B, or C of the NOC. c. Atlantic International Graduate Program: For recent international graduates from eligible institutions in the Atlantic provinces who have a job offer for a position at skill level 0, A, B, or C of the NOC. 
  • To apply through AIPP, individuals must have a valid job offer from an employer designated by one of the Atlantic provinces. 
  1. Atlantic Provinces Nominee Program (PNP): 
  • Each Atlantic province has its own Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) streams that are part of the Atlantic Immigration Program. These streams target specific categories of immigrants based on labor market needs. 
  • Examples of PNP streams under the Atlantic Immigration Program include the Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry stream, Prince Edward Island’s Express Entry, and Newfoundland and Labrador’s Express Entry Skilled Worker stream. 
  • To apply through these streams, candidates need to meet the specific criteria set by the respective province, which may include having a job offer or job experience in the province. 
  1. Requirements: 
  • To be eligible for the Atlantic Immigration Program, candidates typically need a valid job offer from an employer in one of the Atlantic provinces. The job offer must be in a specific skill level as defined by the NOC. 
  • Candidates must demonstrate their language proficiency in English or French, as required by the job offer and the province. 
  • Some streams may require candidates to have a certain level of education or work experience. 
  • Candidates may need to have sufficient settlement funds to support themselves and their families during their initial settlement in Canada. 
  1. Pathway to Permanent Residency: 
  • Once candidates are nominated through the Atlantic Immigration Program, they can apply for permanent residency through the Express Entry system or a non-Express Entry stream, depending on their eligibility. 
  1. Designated Employers: 
  • Employers in the Atlantic provinces must receive designation from their respective province to be able to hire foreign workers through the AIPP. They must also meet certain requirements to be eligible to make job offers. 
  1. Quotas: 
  • The Atlantic provinces have specific annual quotas for the number of immigrants they can nominate under the program. These quotas can vary from year to year. 

The Atlantic Immigration Program is a valuable pathway for foreign workers and international graduates to obtain permanent residency in Canada while contributing to the economic growth and development of the Atlantic provinces.  

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